There's a list of commands to guide us. But I think it's largely misunderstood. It doesn't help that the interpretation of the bible that we hear is so incredibly closed-minded and that there are people who sound like robots insisting on it. What if "Jesus coming back in the sky" refers to incarnating from his home planet? Too radical? Likely it is for most. We're not used to any bible prophecy that's open minded. But honestly....what else would coming from the sky mean? Have we not all heard that and wondered how it's even possible?
We want to do what we want to do. But it seems really easy to fall into corruption doesn't it? I'm not sure I believe so much in healing as I do in growth and "becoming" (oneself). I also believe in God and that there may even be a Devil. Maybe all of this that we experience is to make manifest the good in ourselves because of challenges posed by that which is not good. Maybe we're actually doing something of value here.
Most of us are just trying to get by and do the best we can. And we should. Be kind. This is the first step in cultivating the light in your heart space.
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